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From v4 to v5

In this document you can find the migration guide from the previous version v4 to v5.

Table of Contents

Series changes

Overview of Changes

  • Unified series creation API using single addSeries function
  • Better tree-shaking support
  • Individual series types must now be imported separately (for ESM)

Migration Steps

Replace all series creation calls with the new addSeries syntax. Here's how the migration works for each series type:

Before (v4)

// Example with Line Series in v4
import { createChart } from 'lightweight-charts';
const chart = createChart(container, {});
const lineSeries = chart.addLineSeries({ color: 'red' });

After (v5)

// Example with Line Series in v5
import { createChart, LineSeries } from 'lightweight-charts';
const chart = createChart(container, {});
const lineSeries = chart.addSeries(LineSeries, { color: 'red' });

Migration Reference

Here's how to migrate each series type:

v4 Methodv5 Method
chart.addLineSeries(options)chart.addSeries(LineSeries, options)
chart.addAreaSeries(options)chart.addSeries(AreaSeries, options)
chart.addBarSeries(options)chart.addSeries(BarSeries, options)
chart.addBaselineSeries(options)chart.addSeries(BaselineSeries, options)
chart.addCandlestickSeries(options)chart.addSeries(CandlestickSeries, options)
chart.addHistogramSeries(options)chart.addSeries(HistogramSeries, options)

Usage Examples

ESM (ES Modules):

import { createChart, LineSeries } from 'lightweight-charts';

const chart = createChart(container, {});
const lineSeries = chart.addSeries(LineSeries, { color: 'red' });

UMD (Universal Module Definition):

const chart = LightweightCharts.createChart(container, {});
const lineSeries = chart.addSeries(LightweightCharts.LineSeries, { color: 'red' });

Note: Make sure to import the specific series type (e.g., LineSeries, AreaSeries) along with createChart when using ES Modules. For UMD builds, all series types are available under the LightweightCharts namespace.

Series Markers

Overview of Changes

  • Markers moved to separate primitive for optimized bundle size
  • New ⁠createSeriesMarkers function required
  • Marker management through dedicated primitive instance

Migration Steps

Before (v4)

// Markers were directly managed through the series instance
time: '2019-04-09',
position: 'aboveBar',
color: 'black',
shape: 'arrowDown',

// Getting markers
const markers = series.markers();

After (v5)

// Import the markers primitive
import { createSeriesMarkers } from 'lightweight-charts';

// Create a markers primitive instance
const seriesMarkers = createSeriesMarkers(series, [
time: '2019-04-09',
position: 'aboveBar',
color: 'black',
shape: 'arrowDown',

// Getting markers
const markers = seriesMarkers.markers();

// Updating markers
seriesMarkers.setMarkers([/* new markers */]);

// Remove all markers

Key Changes

  • You must now import createSeriesMarkers separately
  • Instead of calling methods directly on the series instance, create a markers primitive using createSeriesMarkers
  • The markers API is now accessed through the markers primitive instance
  • The marker configuration object format remains the same
  • This change results in smaller bundle sizes when markers aren't used

If your application doesn't use markers, you can now benefit from a smaller bundle size as this functionality is no longer included in the core package.


Overview of Changes

In the new version of Lightweight Charts, the watermark feature has undergone significant changes:

  • Extraction from Core: The watermark functionality has been extracted from the core library.
  • Re-implementation: It's now re-implemented as a Pane Primitive (plugin) included within the library.
  • Improved Tree-shaking: This change makes the feature more tree-shakeable, potentially reducing bundle sizes for users who don't need watermarks.
  • Added an Image Watermark Primitive: In addition to the usual text based watermark, there is now an image watermark feature provided by the createImageWatermark plugin.

Migration Steps

Before (v4)

const chart = createChart(container, {
watermark: {
text: 'Watermark Text',
color: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)',

After (v5)

import { createChart, createTextWatermark } from 'lightweight-charts';

const chart = createChart(container, options);
const firstPane = chart.panes()[0];

createTextWatermark(firstPane, {
horzAlign: 'center',
vertAlign: 'center',
lines: [{
text: 'Watermark Text',
color: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)',
fontSize: 50,

Accessing the New TextWatermark

The TextWatermark plugin is now available as follows:

  • ESM builds: Import createTextWatermark directly.
  • Standalone script build: Access via LightweightCharts.createTextWatermark.

Changes in Options

The options structure for watermarks has been revised:

  1. Multiple Lines: The plugin now supports multiple lines of text.
  2. Text Options: Text-related options are now defined per line within the lines property of the options object.

Attaching the Watermark

To use the plugin, you need pass a pane object to the createTextWatermark function. The pane object specifies where the watermark should be attached:

  1. Single Pane: If you're using only one pane, you can easily fetch it using chart.panes()[0].
  2. Multiple Panes: For charts with multiple panes, you'll need to specify which pane to attach the watermark to.

Example: Implementing a Text Watermark

Here's a comprehensive example demonstrating how to implement a text watermark in the new version:

const chart = createChart(container, options);
const mainSeries = chart.addSeries(LineSeries);

const firstPane = chart.panes()[0];
createTextWatermark(firstPane, {
horzAlign: 'center',
vertAlign: 'center',
lines: [
text: 'Hello',
color: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)',
fontSize: 100,
fontStyle: 'bold',
text: 'This is a text watermark',
color: 'rgba(0,0,255,0.5)',
fontSize: 50,
fontStyle: 'italic',
fontFamily: 'monospace',

Plugin Typings

Overview of Changes

Some of the plugin types and interfaces have been renamed due to the additional of Pane Primitives.

  • ISeriesPrimitivePaneViewIPrimitivePaneView
  • ISeriesPrimitivePaneRendererIPrimitivePaneRenderer
  • SeriesPrimitivePaneViewZOrderPrimitivePaneViewZOrder