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Version: 4.0

Series types

In this article you can read a brief overview of all supported series types.

A series customizations

Any type of series can be customized and the set of available options that you can apply depends on a type of a series (see docs for each series type below).

If you'd like to change any option of a series, you could do this in different ways:

  1. You can specify the default options while creating a series:

    // change default top & bottom colors of an area series in creating time
    const series = chart.addAreaSeries({
    topColor: 'red',
    bottomColor: 'green',

    Note that every method to create a series has an optional options parameter.

  2. You can use ISeriesApi.applyOptions method to apply other options on the fly:

    // updating candlestick series options on the fly
    upColor: 'red',
    downColor: 'blue',


An area chart is basically a colored area between the line connecting all data points and the time scale:

const chartOptions = { layout: { textColor: CHART_TEXT_COLOR, background: { type: 'solid', color: CHART_BACKGROUND_COLOR } } };
const chart = createChart(document.getElementById('container'), chartOptions);
const areaSeries = chart.addAreaSeries({ lineColor: LINE_LINE_COLOR, topColor: AREA_TOP_COLOR, bottomColor: AREA_BOTTOM_COLOR });

const data = [{ value: 0, time: 1642425322 }, { value: 8, time: 1642511722 }, { value: 10, time: 1642598122 }, { value: 20, time: 1642684522 }, { value: 3, time: 1642770922 }, { value: 43, time: 1642857322 }, { value: 41, time: 1642943722 }, { value: 43, time: 1643030122 }, { value: 56, time: 1643116522 }, { value: 46, time: 1643202922 }];




A bar chart shows price movements in the form of bars.

Vertical line length of a bar is limited by the highest and lowest price values. Open & Close values are represented by tick marks, on the left & right hand side of the bar respectively:

const chartOptions = { layout: { textColor: CHART_TEXT_COLOR, background: { type: 'solid', color: CHART_BACKGROUND_COLOR } } };
const chart = createChart(document.getElementById('container'), chartOptions);
const barSeries = chart.addBarSeries({ upColor: BAR_UP_COLOR, downColor: BAR_DOWN_COLOR });

const data = [{ open: 10, high: 10.63, low: 9.49, close: 9.55, time: 1642427876 }, { open: 9.55, high: 10.30, low: 9.42, close: 9.94, time: 1642514276 }, { open: 9.94, high: 10.17, low: 9.92, close: 9.78, time: 1642600676 }, { open: 9.78, high: 10.59, low: 9.18, close: 9.51, time: 1642687076 }, { open: 9.51, high: 10.46, low: 9.10, close: 10.17, time: 1642773476 }, { open: 10.17, high: 10.96, low: 10.16, close: 10.47, time: 1642859876 }, { open: 10.47, high: 11.39, low: 10.40, close: 10.81, time: 1642946276 }, { open: 10.81, high: 11.60, low: 10.30, close: 10.75, time: 1643032676 }, { open: 10.75, high: 11.60, low: 10.49, close: 10.93, time: 1643119076 }, { open: 10.93, high: 11.53, low: 10.76, close: 10.96, time: 1643205476 }];




A baseline is basically two colored areas (top and bottom) between the line connecting all data points and the base value line:

const chartOptions = { layout: { textColor: CHART_TEXT_COLOR, background: { type: 'solid', color: CHART_BACKGROUND_COLOR } } };
const chart = createChart(document.getElementById('container'), chartOptions);
const baselineSeries = chart.addBaselineSeries({ baseValue: { type: 'price', price: 25 }, topLineColor: BASELINE_TOP_LINE_COLOR, topFillColor1: BASELINE_TOP_FILL_COLOR1, topFillColor2: BASELINE_TOP_FILL_COLOR2, bottomLineColor: BASELINE_BOTTOM_LINE_COLOR, bottomFillColor1: BASELINE_BOTTOM_FILL_COLOR1, bottomFillColor2: BASELINE_BOTTOM_FILL_COLOR2 });

const data = [{ value: 1, time: 1642425322 }, { value: 8, time: 1642511722 }, { value: 10, time: 1642598122 }, { value: 20, time: 1642684522 }, { value: 3, time: 1642770922 }, { value: 43, time: 1642857322 }, { value: 41, time: 1642943722 }, { value: 43, time: 1643030122 }, { value: 56, time: 1643116522 }, { value: 46, time: 1643202922 }];




A candlestick chart shows price movements in the form of candlesticks. On the candlestick chart, open & close values form a solid body of a candle while wicks show high & low values for a candlestick's time interval:

const chartOptions = { layout: { textColor: CHART_TEXT_COLOR, background: { type: 'solid', color: CHART_BACKGROUND_COLOR } } };
const chart = createChart(document.getElementById('container'), chartOptions);
const candlestickSeries = chart.addCandlestickSeries({ upColor: BAR_UP_COLOR, downColor: BAR_DOWN_COLOR, borderVisible: false, wickUpColor: BAR_UP_COLOR, wickDownColor: BAR_DOWN_COLOR });

const data = [{ open: 10, high: 10.63, low: 9.49, close: 9.55, time: 1642427876 }, { open: 9.55, high: 10.30, low: 9.42, close: 9.94, time: 1642514276 }, { open: 9.94, high: 10.17, low: 9.92, close: 9.78, time: 1642600676 }, { open: 9.78, high: 10.59, low: 9.18, close: 9.51, time: 1642687076 }, { open: 9.51, high: 10.46, low: 9.10, close: 10.17, time: 1642773476 }, { open: 10.17, high: 10.96, low: 10.16, close: 10.47, time: 1642859876 }, { open: 10.47, high: 11.39, low: 10.40, close: 10.81, time: 1642946276 }, { open: 10.81, high: 11.60, low: 10.30, close: 10.75, time: 1643032676 }, { open: 10.75, high: 11.60, low: 10.49, close: 10.93, time: 1643119076 }, { open: 10.93, high: 11.53, low: 10.76, close: 10.96, time: 1643205476 }];




A histogram series is a graphical representation of the value distribution. Histogram creates intervals (columns) and counts how many values fall into each column:

const chartOptions = { layout: { textColor: CHART_TEXT_COLOR, background: { type: 'solid', color: CHART_BACKGROUND_COLOR } } };
const chart = createChart(document.getElementById('container'), chartOptions);
const histogramSeries = chart.addHistogramSeries({ color: HISTOGRAM_COLOR });

const data = [{ value: 1, time: 1642425322 }, { value: 8, time: 1642511722 }, { value: 10, time: 1642598122 }, { value: 20, time: 1642684522 }, { value: 3, time: 1642770922, color: 'red' }, { value: 43, time: 1642857322 }, { value: 41, time: 1642943722, color: 'red' }, { value: 43, time: 1643030122 }, { value: 56, time: 1643116522 }, { value: 46, time: 1643202922, color: 'red' }];




A line chart is a type of chart that displays information as series of the data points connected by straight line segments:

const chartOptions = { layout: { textColor: CHART_TEXT_COLOR, background: { type: 'solid', color: CHART_BACKGROUND_COLOR } } };
const chart = createChart(document.getElementById('container'), chartOptions);
const lineSeries = chart.addLineSeries({ color: LINE_LINE_COLOR });

const data = [{ value: 0, time: 1642425322 }, { value: 8, time: 1642511722 }, { value: 10, time: 1642598122 }, { value: 20, time: 1642684522 }, { value: 3, time: 1642770922 }, { value: 43, time: 1642857322 }, { value: 41, time: 1642943722 }, { value: 43, time: 1643030122 }, { value: 56, time: 1643116522 }, { value: 46, time: 1643202922 }];

