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Version: 5.0

Pane Primitives

In addition to Series Primitives, the library now supports Pane Primitives. These are essentially the same as Series Primitives but are designed to draw on the pane of a chart rather than being associated with a specific series. Pane Primitives can be used for features like watermarks or other chart-wide annotations.

Key Differences from Series Primitives

  1. Pane Primitives are attached to the chart pane rather than a specific series.
  2. They cannot draw on the price and time scales.
  3. They are ideal for chart-wide features that are not tied to a particular series.

Adding a Pane Primitive

Pane Primitives can be added to a chart using the attachPrimitive method on the IPaneApi interface. Here's an example:

const chart = createChart(document.getElementById('container'));
const pane = chart.panes()[0]; // Get the first (main) pane

const myPanePrimitive = new MyCustomPanePrimitive();

Implementing a Pane Primitive

To create a Pane Primitive, you should implement the IPanePrimitive interface. This interface is similar to ISeriesPrimitive, but with some key differences:

  • It doesn't include methods for drawing on price and time scales.
  • The paneViews method is used to define what will be drawn on the chart pane.

Here's a basic example of a Pane Primitive implementation:

class MyCustomPanePrimitive {
paneViews() {
return [
renderer: {
draw: target => {
// Custom drawing logic here

// Other methods as needed...

For more details on implementing Pane Primitives, refer to the IPanePrimitive interface documentation.