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Compare multiple series

This Multi-Series Comparison Example illustrates how an assortment of data series can be integrated into a single chart for comparisons. Simply use the charting API addSeries to create multiple series.

If you would like an unique price scales for each individual series, particularly when dealing with data series with divergent value ranges, then take a look at the Two Price Scales Example.

How to use the code sample
The code presented below requires:
  • That createChart has already been imported. See Getting Started for more information,
  • and that there is an html div element on the page with an id of container.

Here is an example skeleton setup: Code Sandbox. You can paste the provided code below the // REPLACE EVERYTHING BELOW HERE comment.


Some code may be hidden to improve readability. Toggle the checkbox above the code block to reveal all the code.

// Lightweight Charts™ Example: Compare multiple series

let randomFactor = 25 + Math.random() * 25;
const samplePoint = i =>
i *
(0.5 +
Math.sin(i / 10) * 0.2 +
Math.sin(i / 20) * 0.4 +
Math.sin(i / randomFactor) * 0.8 +
Math.sin(i / 500) * 0.5) +

function generateLineData(numberOfPoints = 500) {
randomFactor = 25 + Math.random() * 25;
const res = [];
const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 0, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0));
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; ++i) {
const time = (date.getTime() / 1000);
const value = samplePoint(i);

date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + 1);

return res;
const chartOptions = {
layout: {
textColor: 'black',
background: { type: 'solid', color: 'white' },
/** @type {import('lightweight-charts').IChartApi} */
const chart = createChart(document.getElementById('container'), chartOptions);

const lineSeriesOne = chart.addSeries(LineSeries, { color: '#2962FF' });

const lineSeriesTwo = chart.addSeries(LineSeries, { color: 'rgb(225, 87, 90)' });

const lineSeriesThree = chart.addSeries(LineSeries, { color: 'rgb(242, 142, 44)' });

const lineSeriesOneData = generateLineData();
const lineSeriesTwoData = generateLineData();
const lineSeriesThreeData = generateLineData();

