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Version: 3.8

Interface: BarsInfo

Represents a range of bars and the number of bars outside the range.




barsBefore: number

The number of bars before the start of the range. Positive value means that there are some bars before (out of logical range from the left) the from logical index in the series. Negative value means that the first series' bar is inside the passed logical range, and between the first series' bar and the from logical index are some bars.


barsAfter: number

The number of bars after the end of the range. Positive value in the barsAfter field means that there are some bars after (out of logical range from the right) the to logical index in the series. Negative value means that the last series' bar is inside the passed logical range, and between the last series' bar and the to logical index are some bars.


Optional from: Time

The from value. The start of the range.

Inherited from



Optional to: Time

The to value. The end of the range.

Inherited from