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Version: 3.8

Interface: MouseEventParams

Represents a mouse event.



optional time: UTCTimestamp | BusinessDay

Time of the data at the location of the mouse event.

The value will be undefined if the location of the event in the chart is outside the range of available data.


optional point: Point

Location of the event in the chart.

The value will be undefined if the event is fired outside the chart, for example a mouse leave event.


seriesPrices: Map <ISeriesApi<keyof SeriesOptionsMap>, BarPrice | BarPrices>

Prices of all series at the location of the event in the chart.

Keys of the map are ISeriesApi instances. Values are prices. Each price is a number for line, area, and histogram series or a OHLC object for candlestick and bar series.


optional hoveredSeries: ISeriesApi<keyof SeriesOptionsMap>

The ISeriesApi for the series at the point of the mouse event.


optional hoveredMarkerId: string

The ID of the marker at the point of the mouse event.