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Improving accessibility


This tutorial introduces how to make charts with Lightweight Charts™ more accessible. Lightweight Charts™ does not have built-in accessibility attributes and behaviors. This gives you the flexibility to customize and implement them on your own, seamlessly integrating the charts into your site's existing accessibility policy.


The tutorial serves as a starting point and provides ideas for creating a fully accessible chart based on your users' needs. It is not intended to be a comprehensive tutorial.

Graphical data representation, although visually appealing and informative, can sometimes pose challenges to individuals with varying abilities and needs. In line with the principles of inclusivity and universal design, we aim to demonstrate how to make your charts more accessible to a broader audience.

What we will be building

Before we get started, let us have a look at what we will be building in this tutorial.

Topics to be covered

The following topics will be covered within the tutorial:

  • Enabling Keyboard Navigation: Keyboard users predominantly interact with web content using only their keyboard. We will guide you on setting up keyboard navigation for our charts, thereby providing a seamless user experience.
  • Implementing ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) Suite: We'll delve into how to integrate ARIA attributes which aid in improving the access and understanding of our charts for users with disabilities.
  • Generating Descriptive Content for Charts: Often, providing a textual description for charts becomes invaluable for certain users, especially for those using screen reading technology. We demonstrate how to automate this process and facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of data being represented.

Prerequisite knowledge

To fully benefit from this guide, we assume that you are already familiar with:

  • Basic HTML structure and elements.
  • JavaScript fundamentals, especially event handling.
  • The basics of using the Lightweight Charts™ JavaScript library, including chart creation and providing data.

The tutorial will assume that you've already read the Getting Started section. Additionally it is recommended that you read the Customization tutorial


  • Accessibility: The practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible, including individuals with disabilities or special needs.
  • ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications): A set of attributes that define ways to make web content and web applications more accessible to people with disabilities.
  • Assistive technologies: Software or devices that people with disabilities use to improve interaction with the web, such as screen readers, alternative keyboards, or speech recognition software.
  • Keyboard Navigation: The ability to navigate through a website using only the keyboard, which is important for those who cannot use a mouse.
  • High Contrast Mode: A version of a webpage that has been designed to be easy on the eyes and readable, typically with black text on a white background, used by people with visual impairments.
  • Media Queries: A CSS technique used to apply different style rules to different devices based on their characteristics, such as color scheme preference (such as high contrast), display type, height, width, etc.
  • Screen Reader: A type of software that interprets and reads aloud the information displayed on a screen, such as text, images, buttons, and menus. It's primarily used by people with visual impairments or those who have difficulties reading text on a screen. Examples include JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver.