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This page is part of an iterative guide (where we build onto code from the previous steps).

It is recommend that you follow the guide from the start. However, if you are only interested in the content on this page then take a look at the full code at the bottom of page for context of how this code fits into a working example.

In this section, we will be customizing the appearance of the crosshair and it's functionality.

The crosshair can be customized within the options of the IChartApi instance. You can view the full set of crosshair options available here: CrosshairOptions.

Crosshair mode

One of the options is mode which can be set to the default magnet or normal (CrosshairMode). Magnet mode snaps the crosshair to data points on the chart such that it is easy to read the exact values on the labels shown on the two scales. However, in some circumstances, it may be more desirable to have a 'free' moving crosshair which can be enabled by setting the value to normal. The normal mode will always draw the crosshair at the exact point of the mouse cursor.

Styling the crosshair

The crosshair consists of two lines (vertical and horizontal) which can be individually adjusted with the options set on the vertLine and horzLine properties respectively. The available options for each crosshair line can be viewed here: CrosshairLineOptions.

For this example, we will be adjusting the width and line style for the vertical line such that it appears like a spotlight, and adjusting the color and labelBackgroundColor for both lines so that they better match our color scheme.

You can add the following code anywhere below the creation of the chart reference. (directly after we set the price formatter and before we add the candlestick series will do nicely so that our chart options are kept together in the code)

// Customizing the Crosshair
crosshair: {
// Change mode from default 'magnet' to 'normal'.
// Allows the crosshair to move freely without snapping to datapoints
mode: LightweightCharts.CrosshairMode.Normal,

// Vertical crosshair line (showing Date in Label)
vertLine: {
width: 8,
color: '#C3BCDB44',
style: LightweightCharts.LineStyle.Solid,
labelBackgroundColor: '#9B7DFF',

// Horizontal crosshair line (showing Price in Label)
horzLine: {
color: '#9B7DFF',
labelBackgroundColor: '#9B7DFF',


At this point we should have a chart like this:

View in a new window

Next steps

In the next step, we will be adding a second series to the chart such that we can add a subtle gradient effect below the candlestick series.


You can download the HTML file for example at this stage here in case you've encountered a problem or would like to start the next step from this point.

Complete code

Click here to reveal the complete code for the example at this stage of the guide.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Lightweight Charts™ Customization Tutorial</title>
<!-- Adding the standalone version of Lightweight charts -->
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
/* Add a background color to match the chart */
background-color: #222;

style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%"
<script type="text/javascript">
// Function to generate a sample set of Candlestick datapoints
function generateCandlestickData() {
return [
time: "2018-10-19",
open: 180.34,
high: 180.99,
low: 178.57,
close: 179.85,
time: "2018-10-22",
open: 180.82,
high: 181.4,
low: 177.56,
close: 178.75,
time: "2018-10-23",
open: 175.77,
high: 179.49,
low: 175.44,
close: 178.53,
time: "2018-10-24",
open: 178.58,
high: 182.37,
low: 176.31,
close: 176.97,
time: "2018-10-25",
open: 177.52,
high: 180.5,
low: 176.83,
close: 179.07,
time: "2018-10-26",
open: 176.88,
high: 177.34,
low: 170.91,
close: 172.23,
time: "2018-10-29",
open: 173.74,
high: 175.99,
low: 170.95,
close: 173.2,
time: "2018-10-30",
open: 173.16,
high: 176.43,
low: 172.64,
close: 176.24,
time: "2018-10-31",
open: 177.98,
high: 178.85,
low: 175.59,
close: 175.88,
time: "2018-11-01",
open: 176.84,
high: 180.86,
low: 175.9,
close: 180.46,
time: "2018-11-02",
open: 182.47,
high: 183.01,
low: 177.39,
close: 179.93,
time: "2018-11-05",
open: 181.02,
high: 182.41,
low: 179.3,
close: 182.19,
time: "2018-11-06",
open: 181.93,
high: 182.65,
low: 180.05,
close: 182.01,
time: "2018-11-07",
open: 183.79,
high: 187.68,
low: 182.06,
close: 187.23,
time: "2018-11-08",
open: 187.13,
high: 188.69,
low: 185.72,
close: 188.0,
time: "2018-11-09",
open: 188.32,
high: 188.48,
low: 184.96,
close: 185.99,
time: "2018-11-12",
open: 185.23,
high: 186.95,
low: 179.02,
close: 179.43,
time: "2018-11-13",
open: 177.3,
high: 181.62,
low: 172.85,
close: 179.0,
time: "2018-11-14",
open: 182.61,
high: 182.9,
low: 179.15,
close: 179.9,
time: "2018-11-15",
open: 179.01,
high: 179.67,
low: 173.61,
close: 177.36,
time: "2018-11-16",
open: 173.99,
high: 177.6,
low: 173.51,
close: 177.02,
time: "2018-11-19",
open: 176.71,
high: 178.88,
low: 172.3,
close: 173.59,
time: "2018-11-20",
open: 169.25,
high: 172.0,
low: 167.0,
close: 169.05,
time: "2018-11-21",
open: 170.0,
high: 170.93,
low: 169.15,
close: 169.3,
time: "2018-11-23",
open: 169.39,
high: 170.33,
low: 168.47,
close: 168.85,
time: "2018-11-26",
open: 170.2,
high: 172.39,
low: 168.87,
close: 169.82,
time: "2018-11-27",
open: 169.11,
high: 173.38,
low: 168.82,
close: 173.22,
time: "2018-11-28",
open: 172.91,
high: 177.65,
low: 170.62,
close: 177.43,
time: "2018-11-29",
open: 176.8,
high: 177.27,
low: 174.92,
close: 175.66,
time: "2018-11-30",
open: 175.75,
high: 180.37,
low: 175.11,
close: 180.32,
time: "2018-12-03",
open: 183.29,
high: 183.5,
low: 179.35,
close: 181.74,
time: "2018-12-04",
open: 181.06,
high: 182.23,
low: 174.55,
close: 175.3,
time: "2018-12-06",
open: 173.5,
high: 176.04,
low: 170.46,
close: 175.96,
time: "2018-12-07",
open: 175.35,
high: 178.36,
low: 172.24,
close: 172.79,
time: "2018-12-10",
open: 173.39,
high: 173.99,
low: 167.73,
close: 171.69,
time: "2018-12-11",
open: 174.3,
high: 175.6,
low: 171.24,
close: 172.21,
time: "2018-12-12",
open: 173.75,
high: 176.87,
low: 172.81,
close: 174.21,
time: "2018-12-13",
open: 174.31,
high: 174.91,
low: 172.07,
close: 173.87,
time: "2018-12-14",
open: 172.98,
high: 175.14,
low: 171.95,
close: 172.29,
time: "2018-12-17",
open: 171.51,
high: 171.99,
low: 166.93,
close: 167.97,
time: "2018-12-18",
open: 168.9,
high: 171.95,
low: 168.5,
close: 170.04,
time: "2018-12-19",
open: 170.92,
high: 174.95,
low: 166.77,
close: 167.56,
time: "2018-12-20",
open: 166.28,
high: 167.31,
low: 162.23,
close: 164.16,
time: "2018-12-21",
open: 162.81,
high: 167.96,
low: 160.17,
close: 160.48,
time: "2018-12-24",
open: 160.16,
high: 161.4,
low: 158.09,
close: 158.14,
time: "2018-12-26",
open: 159.46,
high: 168.28,
low: 159.44,
close: 168.28,
time: "2018-12-27",
open: 166.44,
high: 170.46,
low: 163.36,
close: 170.32,
time: "2018-12-28",
open: 171.22,
high: 173.12,
low: 168.6,
close: 170.22,
time: "2018-12-31",
open: 171.47,
high: 173.24,
low: 170.65,
close: 171.82,
time: "2019-01-02",
open: 169.71,
high: 173.18,
low: 169.05,
close: 172.41,
time: "2019-01-03",
open: 171.84,
high: 171.84,
low: 168.21,
close: 168.61,
time: "2019-01-04",
open: 170.18,
high: 174.74,
low: 169.52,
close: 173.62,
time: "2019-01-07",
open: 173.83,
high: 178.18,
low: 173.83,
close: 177.04,
time: "2019-01-08",
open: 178.57,
high: 179.59,
low: 175.61,
close: 177.89,
time: "2019-01-09",
open: 177.87,
high: 181.27,
low: 177.1,
close: 179.73,
time: "2019-01-10",
open: 178.03,
high: 179.24,
low: 176.34,
close: 179.06,
time: "2019-01-11",
open: 177.93,
high: 180.26,
low: 177.12,
close: 179.41,
time: "2019-01-14",
open: 177.59,
high: 179.23,
low: 176.9,
close: 178.81,
time: "2019-01-15",
open: 176.08,
high: 177.82,
low: 175.2,
close: 176.47,
time: "2019-01-16",
open: 177.09,
high: 177.93,
low: 175.86,
close: 177.04,
time: "2019-01-17",
open: 174.01,
high: 175.46,
low: 172.0,
close: 174.87,
time: "2019-01-18",
open: 176.98,
high: 180.04,
low: 176.18,
close: 179.58,
time: "2019-01-22",
open: 177.49,
high: 178.6,
low: 175.36,
close: 177.11,
time: "2019-01-23",
open: 176.59,
high: 178.06,
low: 174.53,
close: 176.89,
time: "2019-01-24",
open: 177.0,
high: 177.53,
low: 175.3,
close: 177.29,
time: "2019-01-25",
open: 179.78,
high: 180.87,
low: 178.61,
close: 180.4,
time: "2019-01-28",
open: 178.97,
high: 179.99,
low: 177.41,
close: 179.83,
time: "2019-01-29",
open: 178.96,
high: 180.15,
low: 178.09,
close: 179.69,
time: "2019-01-30",
open: 180.47,
high: 184.2,
low: 179.78,
close: 182.18,
time: "2019-01-31",
open: 181.5,
high: 184.67,
low: 181.06,
close: 183.53,
time: "2019-02-01",
open: 184.03,
high: 185.15,
low: 182.83,
close: 184.37,
time: "2019-02-04",
open: 184.3,
high: 186.43,
low: 183.84,
close: 186.43,
time: "2019-02-05",
open: 186.89,
high: 186.99,
low: 184.69,
close: 186.39,
time: "2019-02-06",
open: 186.69,
high: 186.69,
low: 184.06,
close: 184.72,
time: "2019-02-07",
open: 183.74,
high: 184.92,
low: 182.45,
close: 184.07,
time: "2019-02-08",
open: 183.05,
high: 184.58,
low: 182.72,
close: 184.54,
time: "2019-02-11",
open: 185.0,
high: 185.42,
low: 182.75,
close: 182.92,
time: "2019-02-12",
open: 183.84,
high: 186.4,
low: 183.52,
close: 185.52,
time: "2019-02-13",
open: 186.3,
high: 188.68,
low: 185.92,
close: 188.41,
time: "2019-02-14",
open: 187.5,
high: 188.93,
low: 186.0,
close: 187.71,
time: "2019-02-15",
open: 189.87,
high: 192.62,
low: 189.05,
close: 192.39,
time: "2019-02-19",
open: 191.71,
high: 193.19,
low: 191.28,
close: 192.33,
time: "2019-02-20",
open: 192.39,
high: 192.4,
low: 191.11,
close: 191.85,
time: "2019-02-21",
open: 191.85,
high: 192.37,
low: 190.61,
close: 191.82,
time: "2019-02-22",
open: 191.69,
high: 192.54,
low: 191.62,
close: 192.39,
time: "2019-02-25",
open: 192.75,
high: 193.42,
low: 189.96,
close: 189.98,
time: "2019-02-26",
open: 185.59,
high: 188.47,
low: 182.8,
close: 188.3,
time: "2019-02-27",
open: 187.9,
high: 188.5,
low: 183.21,
close: 183.67,
time: "2019-02-28",
open: 183.6,
high: 185.19,
low: 183.11,
close: 185.14,
time: "2019-03-01",
open: 185.82,
high: 186.56,
low: 182.86,
close: 185.17,
time: "2019-03-04",
open: 186.2,
high: 186.24,
low: 182.1,
close: 183.81,
time: "2019-03-05",
open: 184.24,
high: 185.12,
low: 183.25,
close: 184.0,
time: "2019-03-06",
open: 184.53,
high: 184.97,
low: 183.84,
close: 184.45,
time: "2019-03-07",
open: 184.39,
high: 184.62,
low: 181.58,
close: 182.51,
time: "2019-03-08",
open: 181.49,
high: 181.91,
low: 179.52,
close: 181.23,
time: "2019-03-11",
open: 182.0,
high: 183.2,
low: 181.2,
close: 182.44,
time: "2019-03-12",
open: 183.43,
high: 184.27,
low: 182.33,
close: 184.0,
time: "2019-03-13",
open: 183.24,
high: 183.78,
low: 181.08,
close: 181.14,
time: "2019-03-14",
open: 181.28,
high: 181.74,
low: 180.5,
close: 181.61,
time: "2019-03-15",
open: 182.3,
high: 182.49,
low: 179.57,
close: 182.23,
time: "2019-03-18",
open: 182.53,
high: 183.48,
low: 182.33,
close: 183.42,
time: "2019-03-19",
open: 184.19,
high: 185.82,
low: 183.48,
close: 184.13,
time: "2019-03-20",
open: 184.3,
high: 187.12,
low: 183.43,
close: 186.1,
time: "2019-03-21",
open: 185.5,
high: 190.0,
low: 185.5,
close: 189.97,
time: "2019-03-22",
open: 189.31,
high: 192.05,
low: 188.67,
close: 188.75,
time: "2019-03-25",
open: 188.75,
high: 191.71,
low: 188.51,
close: 189.68,
time: "2019-03-26",
open: 190.69,
high: 192.19,
low: 188.74,
close: 189.34,
time: "2019-03-27",
open: 189.65,
high: 191.61,
low: 188.39,
close: 189.25,
time: "2019-03-28",
open: 189.91,
high: 191.4,
low: 189.16,
close: 190.06,
time: "2019-03-29",
open: 190.85,
high: 192.04,
low: 190.14,
close: 191.89,
time: "2019-04-01",
open: 192.99,
high: 195.9,
low: 192.85,
close: 195.64,
time: "2019-04-02",
open: 195.5,
high: 195.5,
low: 194.01,
close: 194.31,
time: "2019-04-03",
open: 194.98,
high: 198.78,
low: 194.11,
close: 198.61,
time: "2019-04-04",
open: 199.0,
high: 200.49,
low: 198.02,
close: 200.45,
time: "2019-04-05",
open: 200.86,
high: 203.13,
low: 200.61,
close: 202.06,
time: "2019-04-08",
open: 201.37,
high: 203.79,
low: 201.24,
close: 203.55,
time: "2019-04-09",
open: 202.26,
high: 202.71,
low: 200.46,
close: 200.9,
time: "2019-04-10",
open: 201.26,
high: 201.6,
low: 198.02,
close: 199.43,
time: "2019-04-11",
open: 199.9,
high: 201.5,
low: 199.03,
close: 201.48,
time: "2019-04-12",
open: 202.13,
high: 204.26,
low: 202.13,
close: 203.85,
time: "2019-04-15",
open: 204.16,
high: 205.14,
low: 203.4,
close: 204.86,
time: "2019-04-16",
open: 205.25,
high: 205.99,
low: 204.29,
close: 204.47,
time: "2019-04-17",
open: 205.34,
high: 206.84,
low: 205.32,
close: 206.55,
time: "2019-04-18",
open: 206.02,
high: 207.78,
low: 205.1,
close: 205.66,
time: "2019-04-22",
open: 204.11,
high: 206.25,
low: 204.0,
close: 204.78,
time: "2019-04-23",
open: 205.14,
high: 207.33,
low: 203.43,
close: 206.05,
time: "2019-04-24",
open: 206.16,
high: 208.29,
low: 205.54,
close: 206.72,
time: "2019-04-25",
open: 206.01,
high: 207.72,
low: 205.06,
close: 206.5,
time: "2019-04-26",
open: 205.88,
high: 206.14,
low: 203.34,
close: 203.61,
time: "2019-04-29",
open: 203.31,
high: 203.8,
low: 200.34,
close: 202.16,
time: "2019-04-30",
open: 201.55,
high: 203.75,
low: 200.79,
close: 203.7,
time: "2019-05-01",
open: 203.2,
high: 203.52,
low: 198.66,
close: 198.8,
time: "2019-05-02",
open: 199.3,
high: 201.06,
low: 198.8,
close: 201.01,
time: "2019-05-03",
open: 202.0,
high: 202.31,
low: 200.32,
close: 200.56,
time: "2019-05-06",
open: 198.74,
high: 199.93,
low: 198.31,
close: 199.63,
time: "2019-05-07",
open: 196.75,
high: 197.65,
low: 192.96,
close: 194.77,
time: "2019-05-08",
open: 194.49,
high: 196.61,
low: 193.68,
close: 195.17,
time: "2019-05-09",
open: 193.31,
high: 195.08,
low: 191.59,
close: 194.58,
time: "2019-05-10",
open: 193.21,
high: 195.49,
low: 190.01,
close: 194.58,
time: "2019-05-13",
open: 191.0,
high: 191.66,
low: 189.14,
close: 190.34,
time: "2019-05-14",
open: 190.5,
high: 192.76,
low: 190.01,
close: 191.62,
time: "2019-05-15",
open: 190.81,
high: 192.81,
low: 190.27,
close: 191.76,
time: "2019-05-16",
open: 192.47,
high: 194.96,
low: 192.2,
close: 192.38,
time: "2019-05-17",
open: 190.86,
high: 194.5,
low: 190.75,
close: 192.58,
time: "2019-05-20",
open: 191.13,
high: 192.86,
low: 190.61,
close: 190.95,
time: "2019-05-21",
open: 187.13,
high: 192.52,
low: 186.34,
close: 191.45,
time: "2019-05-22",
open: 190.49,
high: 192.22,
low: 188.05,
close: 188.91,
time: "2019-05-23",
open: 188.45,
high: 192.54,
low: 186.27,
close: 192.0,
time: "2019-05-24",
open: 192.54,
high: 193.86,
low: 190.41,
close: 193.59,

// Create the Lightweight Chart within the container element
const chart = LightweightCharts.createChart(
layout: {
background: { color: "#222" },
textColor: "#C3BCDB",
grid: {
vertLines: { color: "#444" },
horzLines: { color: "#444" },

// Setting the border color for the vertical axis
borderColor: "#71649C",

// Setting the border color for the horizontal axis
borderColor: "#71649C",

// Adjust the starting bar width (essentially the horizontal zoom)
barSpacing: 10,

// Get the current users primary locale
const currentLocale = window.navigator.languages[0];
// Create a number format using Intl.NumberFormat
const myPriceFormatter = Intl.NumberFormat(currentLocale, {
style: "currency",
currency: "EUR", // Currency for data points

// Apply the custom priceFormatter to the chart
localization: {
priceFormatter: myPriceFormatter,

// Customizing the Crosshair
crosshair: {
// Change mode from default 'magnet' to 'normal'.
// Allows the crosshair to move freely without snapping to datapoints
mode: LightweightCharts.CrosshairMode.Normal,

// Vertical crosshair line (showing Date in Label)
vertLine: {
width: 8,
color: "#C3BCDB44",
style: LightweightCharts.LineStyle.Solid,
labelBackgroundColor: "#9B7DFF",

// Horizontal crosshair line (showing Price in Label)
horzLine: {
color: "#9B7DFF",
labelBackgroundColor: "#9B7DFF",

// Generate sample data to use within a candlestick series
const candleStickData = generateCandlestickData();

// Create the Main Series (Candlesticks)
const mainSeries = chart.addSeries(LightweightCharts.CandlestickSeries);
// Set the data for the Main Series

// Changing the Candlestick colors
wickUpColor: "rgb(54, 116, 217)",
upColor: "rgb(54, 116, 217)",
wickDownColor: "rgb(225, 50, 85)",
downColor: "rgb(225, 50, 85)",
borderVisible: false,

// Adjust the options for the priceScale of the mainSeries
autoScale: false, // disables auto scaling based on visible content
scaleMargins: {
top: 0.1,
bottom: 0.2,

// Adding a window resize event handler to resize the chart when
// the window size changes.
// Note: for more advanced examples (when the chart doesn't fill the entire window)
// you may need to use ResizeObserver ->
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
chart.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);