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Time scale


This page is part of an iterative guide (where we build onto code from the previous steps).

It is recommend that you follow the guide from the start. However, if you are only interested in the content on this page then take a look at the full code at the bottom of page for context of how this code fits into a working example.

In the previous step, we adjusted the vertical price scale, now let us adjust the horizontal time scale. We previously adjusted the border color of this scale and now we are going to adjust the starting 'zoom' level.

We will be adjusting the barSpacing option on the time scale which is used when the chart is first rendered to determine the horizontal 'zoom' level. The property sets 'The space between bars in pixels.', where a larger number will result in wider bars and fewer bars visible on the chart. The default value is 6 and we will be increasing it to 10 which will effectively 'zoom in' for the time scale.

Adjusting settings for the time scale

We can get the ITimeScaleApi instance for the chart by evoking the timeScale() method on the chart reference.

Just as with the previous step, we can use the applyOptions() method on this API instance to adjust it's options. You can add the following code to the example at any point after the chart reference has been created, but we will place it directly below where we set the border color for the time scale. The options available are shown here: TimeScaleOptions.

// Setting the border color for the horizontal axis
borderColor: '#71649C',

// Adjust the starting bar width (essentially the horizontal zoom)
barSpacing: 10,

The applyOptions() calls on the time scale were purposely split into two to show that it is possible to apply the options individually if that leads to cleaner code to read. It is also possible to apply both options in a single step as shown below:

// Example of applying both properties in a single call
borderColor: '#71649C',
barSpacing: 10,

Auto fitting all the content

It is possible to auto fit all the content into the visable area of the chart by calling the fitContent() method on the time scale instance, for example: chart.timeScale().fitContent();


At this point we should have a chart like this (noting the wider candlestick bars):

View in a new window

Next steps

In the next step, we will be adjusting the visual style and behaviour of the crosshair.


You can download the HTML file for example at this stage here in case you've encountered a problem or would like to start the next step from this point.

Complete code

Click here to reveal the complete code for the example at this stage of the guide.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Lightweight Charts™ Customization Tutorial</title>
<!-- Adding the standalone version of Lightweight charts -->
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
/* Add a background color to match the chart */
background-color: #222;

style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%"
<script type="text/javascript">
// Function to generate a sample set of Candlestick datapoints
function generateCandlestickData() {
return [
time: "2018-10-19",
open: 180.34,
high: 180.99,
low: 178.57,
close: 179.85,
time: "2018-10-22",
open: 180.82,
high: 181.4,
low: 177.56,
close: 178.75,
time: "2018-10-23",
open: 175.77,
high: 179.49,
low: 175.44,
close: 178.53,
time: "2018-10-24",
open: 178.58,
high: 182.37,
low: 176.31,
close: 176.97,
time: "2018-10-25",
open: 177.52,
high: 180.5,
low: 176.83,
close: 179.07,
time: "2018-10-26",
open: 176.88,
high: 177.34,
low: 170.91,
close: 172.23,
time: "2018-10-29",
open: 173.74,
high: 175.99,
low: 170.95,
close: 173.2,
time: "2018-10-30",
open: 173.16,
high: 176.43,
low: 172.64,
close: 176.24,
time: "2018-10-31",
open: 177.98,
high: 178.85,
low: 175.59,
close: 175.88,
time: "2018-11-01",
open: 176.84,
high: 180.86,
low: 175.9,
close: 180.46,
time: "2018-11-02",
open: 182.47,
high: 183.01,
low: 177.39,
close: 179.93,
time: "2018-11-05",
open: 181.02,
high: 182.41,
low: 179.3,
close: 182.19,
time: "2018-11-06",
open: 181.93,
high: 182.65,
low: 180.05,
close: 182.01,
time: "2018-11-07",
open: 183.79,
high: 187.68,
low: 182.06,
close: 187.23,
time: "2018-11-08",
open: 187.13,
high: 188.69,
low: 185.72,
close: 188.0,
time: "2018-11-09",
open: 188.32,
high: 188.48,
low: 184.96,
close: 185.99,
time: "2018-11-12",
open: 185.23,
high: 186.95,
low: 179.02,
close: 179.43,
time: "2018-11-13",
open: 177.3,
high: 181.62,
low: 172.85,
close: 179.0,
time: "2018-11-14",
open: 182.61,
high: 182.9,
low: 179.15,
close: 179.9,
time: "2018-11-15",
open: 179.01,
high: 179.67,
low: 173.61,
close: 177.36,
time: "2018-11-16",
open: 173.99,
high: 177.6,
low: 173.51,
close: 177.02,
time: "2018-11-19",
open: 176.71,
high: 178.88,
low: 172.3,
close: 173.59,
time: "2018-11-20",
open: 169.25,
high: 172.0,
low: 167.0,
close: 169.05,
time: "2018-11-21",
open: 170.0,
high: 170.93,
low: 169.15,
close: 169.3,
time: "2018-11-23",
open: 169.39,
high: 170.33,
low: 168.47,
close: 168.85,
time: "2018-11-26",
open: 170.2,
high: 172.39,
low: 168.87,
close: 169.82,
time: "2018-11-27",
open: 169.11,
high: 173.38,
low: 168.82,
close: 173.22,
time: "2018-11-28",
open: 172.91,
high: 177.65,
low: 170.62,
close: 177.43,
time: "2018-11-29",
open: 176.8,
high: 177.27,
low: 174.92,
close: 175.66,
time: "2018-11-30",
open: 175.75,
high: 180.37,
low: 175.11,
close: 180.32,
time: "2018-12-03",
open: 183.29,
high: 183.5,
low: 179.35,
close: 181.74,
time: "2018-12-04",
open: 181.06,
high: 182.23,
low: 174.55,
close: 175.3,
time: "2018-12-06",
open: 173.5,
high: 176.04,
low: 170.46,
close: 175.96,
time: "2018-12-07",
open: 175.35,
high: 178.36,
low: 172.24,
close: 172.79,
time: "2018-12-10",
open: 173.39,
high: 173.99,
low: 167.73,
close: 171.69,
time: "2018-12-11",
open: 174.3,
high: 175.6,
low: 171.24,
close: 172.21,
time: "2018-12-12",
open: 173.75,
high: 176.87,
low: 172.81,
close: 174.21,
time: "2018-12-13",
open: 174.31,
high: 174.91,
low: 172.07,
close: 173.87,
time: "2018-12-14",
open: 172.98,
high: 175.14,
low: 171.95,
close: 172.29,
time: "2018-12-17",
open: 171.51,
high: 171.99,
low: 166.93,
close: 167.97,
time: "2018-12-18",
open: 168.9,
high: 171.95,
low: 168.5,
close: 170.04,
time: "2018-12-19",
open: 170.92,
high: 174.95,
low: 166.77,
close: 167.56,
time: "2018-12-20",
open: 166.28,
high: 167.31,
low: 162.23,
close: 164.16,
time: "2018-12-21",
open: 162.81,
high: 167.96,
low: 160.17,
close: 160.48,
time: "2018-12-24",
open: 160.16,
high: 161.4,
low: 158.09,
close: 158.14,
time: "2018-12-26",
open: 159.46,
high: 168.28,
low: 159.44,
close: 168.28,
time: "2018-12-27",
open: 166.44,
high: 170.46,
low: 163.36,
close: 170.32,
time: "2018-12-28",
open: 171.22,
high: 173.12,
low: 168.6,
close: 170.22,
time: "2018-12-31",
open: 171.47,
high: 173.24,
low: 170.65,
close: 171.82,
time: "2019-01-02",
open: 169.71,
high: 173.18,
low: 169.05,
close: 172.41,
time: "2019-01-03",
open: 171.84,
high: 171.84,
low: 168.21,
close: 168.61,
time: "2019-01-04",
open: 170.18,
high: 174.74,
low: 169.52,
close: 173.62,
time: "2019-01-07",
open: 173.83,
high: 178.18,
low: 173.83,
close: 177.04,
time: "2019-01-08",
open: 178.57,
high: 179.59,
low: 175.61,
close: 177.89,
time: "2019-01-09",
open: 177.87,
high: 181.27,
low: 177.1,
close: 179.73,
time: "2019-01-10",
open: 178.03,
high: 179.24,
low: 176.34,
close: 179.06,
time: "2019-01-11",
open: 177.93,
high: 180.26,
low: 177.12,
close: 179.41,
time: "2019-01-14",
open: 177.59,
high: 179.23,
low: 176.9,
close: 178.81,
time: "2019-01-15",
open: 176.08,
high: 177.82,
low: 175.2,
close: 176.47,
time: "2019-01-16",
open: 177.09,
high: 177.93,
low: 175.86,
close: 177.04,
time: "2019-01-17",
open: 174.01,
high: 175.46,
low: 172.0,
close: 174.87,
time: "2019-01-18",
open: 176.98,
high: 180.04,
low: 176.18,
close: 179.58,
time: "2019-01-22",
open: 177.49,
high: 178.6,
low: 175.36,
close: 177.11,
time: "2019-01-23",
open: 176.59,
high: 178.06,
low: 174.53,
close: 176.89,
time: "2019-01-24",
open: 177.0,
high: 177.53,
low: 175.3,
close: 177.29,
time: "2019-01-25",
open: 179.78,
high: 180.87,
low: 178.61,
close: 180.4,
time: "2019-01-28",
open: 178.97,
high: 179.99,
low: 177.41,
close: 179.83,
time: "2019-01-29",
open: 178.96,
high: 180.15,
low: 178.09,
close: 179.69,
time: "2019-01-30",
open: 180.47,
high: 184.2,
low: 179.78,
close: 182.18,
time: "2019-01-31",
open: 181.5,
high: 184.67,
low: 181.06,
close: 183.53,
time: "2019-02-01",
open: 184.03,
high: 185.15,
low: 182.83,
close: 184.37,
time: "2019-02-04",
open: 184.3,
high: 186.43,
low: 183.84,
close: 186.43,
time: "2019-02-05",
open: 186.89,
high: 186.99,
low: 184.69,
close: 186.39,
time: "2019-02-06",
open: 186.69,
high: 186.69,
low: 184.06,
close: 184.72,
time: "2019-02-07",
open: 183.74,
high: 184.92,
low: 182.45,
close: 184.07,
time: "2019-02-08",
open: 183.05,
high: 184.58,
low: 182.72,
close: 184.54,
time: "2019-02-11",
open: 185.0,
high: 185.42,
low: 182.75,
close: 182.92,
time: "2019-02-12",
open: 183.84,
high: 186.4,
low: 183.52,
close: 185.52,
time: "2019-02-13",
open: 186.3,
high: 188.68,
low: 185.92,
close: 188.41,
time: "2019-02-14",
open: 187.5,
high: 188.93,
low: 186.0,
close: 187.71,
time: "2019-02-15",
open: 189.87,
high: 192.62,
low: 189.05,
close: 192.39,
time: "2019-02-19",
open: 191.71,
high: 193.19,
low: 191.28,
close: 192.33,
time: "2019-02-20",
open: 192.39,
high: 192.4,
low: 191.11,
close: 191.85,
time: "2019-02-21",
open: 191.85,
high: 192.37,
low: 190.61,
close: 191.82,
time: "2019-02-22",
open: 191.69,
high: 192.54,
low: 191.62,
close: 192.39,
time: "2019-02-25",
open: 192.75,
high: 193.42,
low: 189.96,
close: 189.98,
time: "2019-02-26",
open: 185.59,
high: 188.47,
low: 182.8,
close: 188.3,
time: "2019-02-27",
open: 187.9,
high: 188.5,
low: 183.21,
close: 183.67,
time: "2019-02-28",
open: 183.6,
high: 185.19,
low: 183.11,
close: 185.14,
time: "2019-03-01",
open: 185.82,
high: 186.56,
low: 182.86,
close: 185.17,
time: "2019-03-04",
open: 186.2,
high: 186.24,
low: 182.1,
close: 183.81,
time: "2019-03-05",
open: 184.24,
high: 185.12,
low: 183.25,
close: 184.0,
time: "2019-03-06",
open: 184.53,
high: 184.97,
low: 183.84,
close: 184.45,
time: "2019-03-07",
open: 184.39,
high: 184.62,
low: 181.58,
close: 182.51,
time: "2019-03-08",
open: 181.49,
high: 181.91,
low: 179.52,
close: 181.23,
time: "2019-03-11",
open: 182.0,
high: 183.2,
low: 181.2,
close: 182.44,
time: "2019-03-12",
open: 183.43,
high: 184.27,
low: 182.33,
close: 184.0,
time: "2019-03-13",
open: 183.24,
high: 183.78,
low: 181.08,
close: 181.14,
time: "2019-03-14",
open: 181.28,
high: 181.74,
low: 180.5,
close: 181.61,
time: "2019-03-15",
open: 182.3,
high: 182.49,
low: 179.57,
close: 182.23,
time: "2019-03-18",
open: 182.53,
high: 183.48,
low: 182.33,
close: 183.42,
time: "2019-03-19",
open: 184.19,
high: 185.82,
low: 183.48,
close: 184.13,
time: "2019-03-20",
open: 184.3,
high: 187.12,
low: 183.43,
close: 186.1,
time: "2019-03-21",
open: 185.5,
high: 190.0,
low: 185.5,
close: 189.97,
time: "2019-03-22",
open: 189.31,
high: 192.05,
low: 188.67,
close: 188.75,
time: "2019-03-25",
open: 188.75,
high: 191.71,
low: 188.51,
close: 189.68,
time: "2019-03-26",
open: 190.69,
high: 192.19,
low: 188.74,
close: 189.34,
time: "2019-03-27",
open: 189.65,
high: 191.61,
low: 188.39,
close: 189.25,
time: "2019-03-28",
open: 189.91,
high: 191.4,
low: 189.16,
close: 190.06,
time: "2019-03-29",
open: 190.85,
high: 192.04,
low: 190.14,
close: 191.89,
time: "2019-04-01",
open: 192.99,
high: 195.9,
low: 192.85,
close: 195.64,
time: "2019-04-02",
open: 195.5,
high: 195.5,
low: 194.01,
close: 194.31,
time: "2019-04-03",
open: 194.98,
high: 198.78,
low: 194.11,
close: 198.61,
time: "2019-04-04",
open: 199.0,
high: 200.49,
low: 198.02,
close: 200.45,
time: "2019-04-05",
open: 200.86,
high: 203.13,
low: 200.61,
close: 202.06,
time: "2019-04-08",
open: 201.37,
high: 203.79,
low: 201.24,
close: 203.55,
time: "2019-04-09",
open: 202.26,
high: 202.71,
low: 200.46,
close: 200.9,
time: "2019-04-10",
open: 201.26,
high: 201.6,
low: 198.02,
close: 199.43,
time: "2019-04-11",
open: 199.9,
high: 201.5,
low: 199.03,
close: 201.48,
time: "2019-04-12",
open: 202.13,
high: 204.26,
low: 202.13,
close: 203.85,
time: "2019-04-15",
open: 204.16,
high: 205.14,
low: 203.4,
close: 204.86,
time: "2019-04-16",
open: 205.25,
high: 205.99,
low: 204.29,
close: 204.47,
time: "2019-04-17",
open: 205.34,
high: 206.84,
low: 205.32,
close: 206.55,
time: "2019-04-18",
open: 206.02,
high: 207.78,
low: 205.1,
close: 205.66,
time: "2019-04-22",
open: 204.11,
high: 206.25,
low: 204.0,
close: 204.78,
time: "2019-04-23",
open: 205.14,
high: 207.33,
low: 203.43,
close: 206.05,
time: "2019-04-24",
open: 206.16,
high: 208.29,
low: 205.54,
close: 206.72,
time: "2019-04-25",
open: 206.01,
high: 207.72,
low: 205.06,
close: 206.5,
time: "2019-04-26",
open: 205.88,
high: 206.14,
low: 203.34,
close: 203.61,
time: "2019-04-29",
open: 203.31,
high: 203.8,
low: 200.34,
close: 202.16,
time: "2019-04-30",
open: 201.55,
high: 203.75,
low: 200.79,
close: 203.7,
time: "2019-05-01",
open: 203.2,
high: 203.52,
low: 198.66,
close: 198.8,
time: "2019-05-02",
open: 199.3,
high: 201.06,
low: 198.8,
close: 201.01,
time: "2019-05-03",
open: 202.0,
high: 202.31,
low: 200.32,
close: 200.56,
time: "2019-05-06",
open: 198.74,
high: 199.93,
low: 198.31,
close: 199.63,
time: "2019-05-07",
open: 196.75,
high: 197.65,
low: 192.96,
close: 194.77,
time: "2019-05-08",
open: 194.49,
high: 196.61,
low: 193.68,
close: 195.17,
time: "2019-05-09",
open: 193.31,
high: 195.08,
low: 191.59,
close: 194.58,
time: "2019-05-10",
open: 193.21,
high: 195.49,
low: 190.01,
close: 194.58,
time: "2019-05-13",
open: 191.0,
high: 191.66,
low: 189.14,
close: 190.34,
time: "2019-05-14",
open: 190.5,
high: 192.76,
low: 190.01,
close: 191.62,
time: "2019-05-15",
open: 190.81,
high: 192.81,
low: 190.27,
close: 191.76,
time: "2019-05-16",
open: 192.47,
high: 194.96,
low: 192.2,
close: 192.38,
time: "2019-05-17",
open: 190.86,
high: 194.5,
low: 190.75,
close: 192.58,
time: "2019-05-20",
open: 191.13,
high: 192.86,
low: 190.61,
close: 190.95,
time: "2019-05-21",
open: 187.13,
high: 192.52,
low: 186.34,
close: 191.45,
time: "2019-05-22",
open: 190.49,
high: 192.22,
low: 188.05,
close: 188.91,
time: "2019-05-23",
open: 188.45,
high: 192.54,
low: 186.27,
close: 192.0,
time: "2019-05-24",
open: 192.54,
high: 193.86,
low: 190.41,
close: 193.59,

// Create the Lightweight Chart within the container element
const chart = LightweightCharts.createChart(
layout: {
background: { color: "#222" },
textColor: "#C3BCDB",
grid: {
vertLines: { color: "#444" },
horzLines: { color: "#444" },

// Setting the border color for the vertical axis
borderColor: "#71649C",

// Setting the border color for the horizontal axis
borderColor: "#71649C",

// Adjust the starting bar width (essentially the horizontal zoom)
barSpacing: 10,

// Get the current users primary locale
const currentLocale = window.navigator.languages[0];
// Create a number format using Intl.NumberFormat
const myPriceFormatter = Intl.NumberFormat(currentLocale, {
style: "currency",
currency: "EUR", // Currency for data points

// Apply the custom priceFormatter to the chart
localization: {
priceFormatter: myPriceFormatter,

// Generate sample data to use within a candlestick series
const candleStickData = generateCandlestickData();

// Create the Main Series (Candlesticks)
const mainSeries = chart.addSeries(LightweightCharts.CandlestickSeries);
// Set the data for the Main Series

// Changing the Candlestick colors
wickUpColor: "rgb(54, 116, 217)",
upColor: "rgb(54, 116, 217)",
wickDownColor: "rgb(225, 50, 85)",
downColor: "rgb(225, 50, 85)",
borderVisible: false,

// Adjust the options for the priceScale of the mainSeries
autoScale: false, // disables auto scaling based on visible content
scaleMargins: {
top: 0.1,
bottom: 0.2,

// Adding a window resize event handler to resize the chart when
// the window size changes.
// Note: for more advanced examples (when the chart doesn't fill the entire window)
// you may need to use ResizeObserver ->
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
chart.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);