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Adding a second series


This page is part of an iterative guide (where we build onto code from the previous steps).

It is recommend that you follow the guide from the start. However, if you are only interested in the content on this page then take a look at the full code at the bottom of page for context of how this code fits into a working example.

In this section, we will be adding an area series to the chart with a subtle vertical gradient. It's purpose is solely for aesthetic reasons (only to make the chart more visually appealing). However, it will teach us a few key points about the differences between different series types and the visual stacking order.

Preparing the data for the area series

The data structure required for the area series isn't the same as for the candlestick series. The area series is expecting each data point to have the following properties: time and value. Whereas the candlestick data points don't have a value property but rather the following properties: open, close, high, low, and time.

We can create a copy of the candlestick data and transform it in a single step by using a map higher-order function (more info). We will set the value for the area series as the midpoint between the open and close values of the candlestick data points.

// Generate sample data to use within a candlestick series
const candleStickData = generateCandlestickData();

// Convert the candlestick data for use with a line series
const lineData = => ({
time: datapoint.time,
value: (datapoint.close + / 2,

Adding the area series and setting it's options

We can add the area series as we did with the candlestick series by calling the addSeries(AreaSeries) method on the chart instance. We will pass the options for the series as the second argument to addSeries() method instead of separately calling applyOptions() at a later stage.


Make sure to add this code before the addSeries(CandlestickSeries) call already in the code because we want it to appear below the candlesticks (as explained in the next section).

// Convert the candlestick data for use with a line series
const lineData = => ({
time: datapoint.time,
value: (datapoint.close + / 2,

// Add an area series to the chart,
// Adding this before we add the candlestick chart
// so that it will appear beneath the candlesticks
const areaSeries = chart.addSeries(AreaSeries, {
lastValueVisible: false, // hide the last value marker for this series
crosshairMarkerVisible: false, // hide the crosshair marker for this series
lineColor: 'transparent', // hide the line
topColor: 'rgba(56, 33, 110,0.6)',
bottomColor: 'rgba(56, 33, 110, 0.1)',
// Set the data for the Area Series

// Create the Main Series (Candlesticks)
const mainSeries = chart.addSeries(CandlestickSeries);

Visual stacking order of series

When adding multiple series to a single chart, it is important to take note of the order in which they are added because that will determine the visual stacking order (when they overlap). The first series added will appear at the bottom of the stack and each series added will be placed on top of the stack. Thus in the current example, we want the area series to appear below the candlestick series so we will make sure to first add the area series and then the candlestick series.


At this point we should have a chart like this:

View in a new window

Next steps

In the next step, we will look at how to adjust the colour of individual candlesticks on our chart.


You can download the HTML file for example at this stage here in case you've encountered a problem or would like to start the next step from this point.

Complete code

Click here to reveal the complete code for the example at this stage of the guide.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Lightweight Charts™ Customization Tutorial</title>
<!-- Adding the standalone version of Lightweight charts -->
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
/* Add a background color to match the chart */
background-color: #222;

style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%"
<script type="text/javascript">
// Function to generate a sample set of Candlestick datapoints
function generateCandlestickData() {
return [
time: "2018-10-19",
open: 180.34,
high: 180.99,
low: 178.57,
close: 179.85,
time: "2018-10-22",
open: 180.82,
high: 181.4,
low: 177.56,
close: 178.75,
time: "2018-10-23",
open: 175.77,
high: 179.49,
low: 175.44,
close: 178.53,
time: "2018-10-24",
open: 178.58,
high: 182.37,
low: 176.31,
close: 176.97,
time: "2018-10-25",
open: 177.52,
high: 180.5,
low: 176.83,
close: 179.07,
time: "2018-10-26",
open: 176.88,
high: 177.34,
low: 170.91,
close: 172.23,
time: "2018-10-29",
open: 173.74,
high: 175.99,
low: 170.95,
close: 173.2,
time: "2018-10-30",
open: 173.16,
high: 176.43,
low: 172.64,
close: 176.24,
time: "2018-10-31",
open: 177.98,
high: 178.85,
low: 175.59,
close: 175.88,
time: "2018-11-01",
open: 176.84,
high: 180.86,
low: 175.9,
close: 180.46,
time: "2018-11-02",
open: 182.47,
high: 183.01,
low: 177.39,
close: 179.93,
time: "2018-11-05",
open: 181.02,
high: 182.41,
low: 179.3,
close: 182.19,
time: "2018-11-06",
open: 181.93,
high: 182.65,
low: 180.05,
close: 182.01,
time: "2018-11-07",
open: 183.79,
high: 187.68,
low: 182.06,
close: 187.23,
time: "2018-11-08",
open: 187.13,
high: 188.69,
low: 185.72,
close: 188.0,
time: "2018-11-09",
open: 188.32,
high: 188.48,
low: 184.96,
close: 185.99,
time: "2018-11-12",
open: 185.23,
high: 186.95,
low: 179.02,
close: 179.43,
time: "2018-11-13",
open: 177.3,
high: 181.62,
low: 172.85,
close: 179.0,
time: "2018-11-14",
open: 182.61,
high: 182.9,
low: 179.15,
close: 179.9,
time: "2018-11-15",
open: 179.01,
high: 179.67,
low: 173.61,
close: 177.36,
time: "2018-11-16",
open: 173.99,
high: 177.6,
low: 173.51,
close: 177.02,
time: "2018-11-19",
open: 176.71,
high: 178.88,
low: 172.3,
close: 173.59,
time: "2018-11-20",
open: 169.25,
high: 172.0,
low: 167.0,
close: 169.05,
time: "2018-11-21",
open: 170.0,
high: 170.93,
low: 169.15,
close: 169.3,
time: "2018-11-23",
open: 169.39,
high: 170.33,
low: 168.47,
close: 168.85,
time: "2018-11-26",
open: 170.2,
high: 172.39,
low: 168.87,
close: 169.82,
time: "2018-11-27",
open: 169.11,
high: 173.38,
low: 168.82,
close: 173.22,
time: "2018-11-28",
open: 172.91,
high: 177.65,
low: 170.62,
close: 177.43,
time: "2018-11-29",
open: 176.8,
high: 177.27,
low: 174.92,
close: 175.66,
time: "2018-11-30",
open: 175.75,
high: 180.37,
low: 175.11,
close: 180.32,
time: "2018-12-03",
open: 183.29,
high: 183.5,
low: 179.35,
close: 181.74,
time: "2018-12-04",
open: 181.06,
high: 182.23,
low: 174.55,
close: 175.3,
time: "2018-12-06",
open: 173.5,
high: 176.04,
low: 170.46,
close: 175.96,
time: "2018-12-07",
open: 175.35,
high: 178.36,
low: 172.24,
close: 172.79,
time: "2018-12-10",
open: 173.39,
high: 173.99,
low: 167.73,
close: 171.69,
time: "2018-12-11",
open: 174.3,
high: 175.6,
low: 171.24,
close: 172.21,
time: "2018-12-12",
open: 173.75,
high: 176.87,
low: 172.81,
close: 174.21,
time: "2018-12-13",
open: 174.31,
high: 174.91,
low: 172.07,
close: 173.87,
time: "2018-12-14",
open: 172.98,
high: 175.14,
low: 171.95,
close: 172.29,
time: "2018-12-17",
open: 171.51,
high: 171.99,
low: 166.93,
close: 167.97,
time: "2018-12-18",
open: 168.9,
high: 171.95,
low: 168.5,
close: 170.04,
time: "2018-12-19",
open: 170.92,
high: 174.95,
low: 166.77,
close: 167.56,
time: "2018-12-20",
open: 166.28,
high: 167.31,
low: 162.23,
close: 164.16,
time: "2018-12-21",
open: 162.81,
high: 167.96,
low: 160.17,
close: 160.48,
time: "2018-12-24",
open: 160.16,
high: 161.4,
low: 158.09,
close: 158.14,
time: "2018-12-26",
open: 159.46,
high: 168.28,
low: 159.44,
close: 168.28,
time: "2018-12-27",
open: 166.44,
high: 170.46,
low: 163.36,
close: 170.32,
time: "2018-12-28",
open: 171.22,
high: 173.12,
low: 168.6,
close: 170.22,
time: "2018-12-31",
open: 171.47,
high: 173.24,
low: 170.65,
close: 171.82,
time: "2019-01-02",
open: 169.71,
high: 173.18,
low: 169.05,
close: 172.41,
time: "2019-01-03",
open: 171.84,
high: 171.84,
low: 168.21,
close: 168.61,
time: "2019-01-04",
open: 170.18,
high: 174.74,
low: 169.52,
close: 173.62,
time: "2019-01-07",
open: 173.83,
high: 178.18,
low: 173.83,
close: 177.04,
time: "2019-01-08",
open: 178.57,
high: 179.59,
low: 175.61,
close: 177.89,
time: "2019-01-09",
open: 177.87,
high: 181.27,
low: 177.1,
close: 179.73,
time: "2019-01-10",
open: 178.03,
high: 179.24,
low: 176.34,
close: 179.06,
time: "2019-01-11",
open: 177.93,
high: 180.26,
low: 177.12,
close: 179.41,
time: "2019-01-14",
open: 177.59,
high: 179.23,
low: 176.9,
close: 178.81,
time: "2019-01-15",
open: 176.08,
high: 177.82,
low: 175.2,
close: 176.47,
time: "2019-01-16",
open: 177.09,
high: 177.93,
low: 175.86,
close: 177.04,
time: "2019-01-17",
open: 174.01,
high: 175.46,
low: 172.0,
close: 174.87,
time: "2019-01-18",
open: 176.98,
high: 180.04,
low: 176.18,
close: 179.58,
time: "2019-01-22",
open: 177.49,
high: 178.6,
low: 175.36,
close: 177.11,
time: "2019-01-23",
open: 176.59,
high: 178.06,
low: 174.53,
close: 176.89,
time: "2019-01-24",
open: 177.0,
high: 177.53,
low: 175.3,
close: 177.29,
time: "2019-01-25",
open: 179.78,
high: 180.87,
low: 178.61,
close: 180.4,
time: "2019-01-28",
open: 178.97,
high: 179.99,
low: 177.41,
close: 179.83,
time: "2019-01-29",
open: 178.96,
high: 180.15,
low: 178.09,
close: 179.69,
time: "2019-01-30",
open: 180.47,
high: 184.2,
low: 179.78,
close: 182.18,
time: "2019-01-31",
open: 181.5,
high: 184.67,
low: 181.06,
close: 183.53,
time: "2019-02-01",
open: 184.03,
high: 185.15,
low: 182.83,
close: 184.37,
time: "2019-02-04",
open: 184.3,
high: 186.43,
low: 183.84,
close: 186.43,
time: "2019-02-05",
open: 186.89,
high: 186.99,
low: 184.69,
close: 186.39,
time: "2019-02-06",
open: 186.69,
high: 186.69,
low: 184.06,
close: 184.72,
time: "2019-02-07",
open: 183.74,
high: 184.92,
low: 182.45,
close: 184.07,
time: "2019-02-08",
open: 183.05,
high: 184.58,
low: 182.72,
close: 184.54,
time: "2019-02-11",
open: 185.0,
high: 185.42,
low: 182.75,
close: 182.92,
time: "2019-02-12",
open: 183.84,
high: 186.4,
low: 183.52,
close: 185.52,
time: "2019-02-13",
open: 186.3,
high: 188.68,
low: 185.92,
close: 188.41,
time: "2019-02-14",
open: 187.5,
high: 188.93,
low: 186.0,
close: 187.71,
time: "2019-02-15",
open: 189.87,
high: 192.62,
low: 189.05,
close: 192.39,
time: "2019-02-19",
open: 191.71,
high: 193.19,
low: 191.28,
close: 192.33,
time: "2019-02-20",
open: 192.39,
high: 192.4,
low: 191.11,
close: 191.85,
time: "2019-02-21",
open: 191.85,
high: 192.37,
low: 190.61,
close: 191.82,
time: "2019-02-22",
open: 191.69,
high: 192.54,
low: 191.62,
close: 192.39,
time: "2019-02-25",
open: 192.75,
high: 193.42,
low: 189.96,
close: 189.98,
time: "2019-02-26",
open: 185.59,
high: 188.47,
low: 182.8,
close: 188.3,
time: "2019-02-27",
open: 187.9,
high: 188.5,
low: 183.21,
close: 183.67,
time: "2019-02-28",
open: 183.6,
high: 185.19,
low: 183.11,
close: 185.14,
time: "2019-03-01",
open: 185.82,
high: 186.56,
low: 182.86,
close: 185.17,
time: "2019-03-04",
open: 186.2,
high: 186.24,
low: 182.1,
close: 183.81,
time: "2019-03-05",
open: 184.24,
high: 185.12,
low: 183.25,
close: 184.0,
time: "2019-03-06",
open: 184.53,
high: 184.97,
low: 183.84,
close: 184.45,
time: "2019-03-07",
open: 184.39,
high: 184.62,
low: 181.58,
close: 182.51,
time: "2019-03-08",
open: 181.49,
high: 181.91,
low: 179.52,
close: 181.23,
time: "2019-03-11",
open: 182.0,
high: 183.2,
low: 181.2,
close: 182.44,
time: "2019-03-12",
open: 183.43,
high: 184.27,
low: 182.33,
close: 184.0,
time: "2019-03-13",
open: 183.24,
high: 183.78,
low: 181.08,
close: 181.14,
time: "2019-03-14",
open: 181.28,
high: 181.74,
low: 180.5,
close: 181.61,
time: "2019-03-15",
open: 182.3,
high: 182.49,
low: 179.57,
close: 182.23,
time: "2019-03-18",
open: 182.53,
high: 183.48,
low: 182.33,
close: 183.42,
time: "2019-03-19",
open: 184.19,
high: 185.82,
low: 183.48,
close: 184.13,
time: "2019-03-20",
open: 184.3,
high: 187.12,
low: 183.43,
close: 186.1,
time: "2019-03-21",
open: 185.5,
high: 190.0,
low: 185.5,
close: 189.97,
time: "2019-03-22",
open: 189.31,
high: 192.05,
low: 188.67,
close: 188.75,
time: "2019-03-25",
open: 188.75,
high: 191.71,
low: 188.51,
close: 189.68,
time: "2019-03-26",
open: 190.69,
high: 192.19,
low: 188.74,
close: 189.34,
time: "2019-03-27",
open: 189.65,
high: 191.61,
low: 188.39,
close: 189.25,
time: "2019-03-28",
open: 189.91,
high: 191.4,
low: 189.16,
close: 190.06,
time: "2019-03-29",
open: 190.85,
high: 192.04,
low: 190.14,
close: 191.89,
time: "2019-04-01",
open: 192.99,
high: 195.9,
low: 192.85,
close: 195.64,
time: "2019-04-02",
open: 195.5,
high: 195.5,
low: 194.01,
close: 194.31,
time: "2019-04-03",
open: 194.98,
high: 198.78,
low: 194.11,
close: 198.61,
time: "2019-04-04",
open: 199.0,
high: 200.49,
low: 198.02,
close: 200.45,
time: "2019-04-05",
open: 200.86,
high: 203.13,
low: 200.61,
close: 202.06,
time: "2019-04-08",
open: 201.37,
high: 203.79,
low: 201.24,
close: 203.55,
time: "2019-04-09",
open: 202.26,
high: 202.71,
low: 200.46,
close: 200.9,
time: "2019-04-10",
open: 201.26,
high: 201.6,
low: 198.02,
close: 199.43,
time: "2019-04-11",
open: 199.9,
high: 201.5,
low: 199.03,
close: 201.48,
time: "2019-04-12",
open: 202.13,
high: 204.26,
low: 202.13,
close: 203.85,
time: "2019-04-15",
open: 204.16,
high: 205.14,
low: 203.4,
close: 204.86,
time: "2019-04-16",
open: 205.25,
high: 205.99,
low: 204.29,
close: 204.47,
time: "2019-04-17",
open: 205.34,
high: 206.84,
low: 205.32,
close: 206.55,
time: "2019-04-18",
open: 206.02,
high: 207.78,
low: 205.1,
close: 205.66,
time: "2019-04-22",
open: 204.11,
high: 206.25,
low: 204.0,
close: 204.78,
time: "2019-04-23",
open: 205.14,
high: 207.33,
low: 203.43,
close: 206.05,
time: "2019-04-24",
open: 206.16,
high: 208.29,
low: 205.54,
close: 206.72,
time: "2019-04-25",
open: 206.01,
high: 207.72,
low: 205.06,
close: 206.5,
time: "2019-04-26",
open: 205.88,
high: 206.14,
low: 203.34,
close: 203.61,
time: "2019-04-29",
open: 203.31,
high: 203.8,
low: 200.34,
close: 202.16,
time: "2019-04-30",
open: 201.55,
high: 203.75,
low: 200.79,
close: 203.7,
time: "2019-05-01",
open: 203.2,
high: 203.52,
low: 198.66,
close: 198.8,
time: "2019-05-02",
open: 199.3,
high: 201.06,
low: 198.8,
close: 201.01,
time: "2019-05-03",
open: 202.0,
high: 202.31,
low: 200.32,
close: 200.56,
time: "2019-05-06",
open: 198.74,
high: 199.93,
low: 198.31,
close: 199.63,
time: "2019-05-07",
open: 196.75,
high: 197.65,
low: 192.96,
close: 194.77,
time: "2019-05-08",
open: 194.49,
high: 196.61,
low: 193.68,
close: 195.17,
time: "2019-05-09",
open: 193.31,
high: 195.08,
low: 191.59,
close: 194.58,
time: "2019-05-10",
open: 193.21,
high: 195.49,
low: 190.01,
close: 194.58,
time: "2019-05-13",
open: 191.0,
high: 191.66,
low: 189.14,
close: 190.34,
time: "2019-05-14",
open: 190.5,
high: 192.76,
low: 190.01,
close: 191.62,
time: "2019-05-15",
open: 190.81,
high: 192.81,
low: 190.27,
close: 191.76,
time: "2019-05-16",
open: 192.47,
high: 194.96,
low: 192.2,
close: 192.38,
time: "2019-05-17",
open: 190.86,
high: 194.5,
low: 190.75,
close: 192.58,
time: "2019-05-20",
open: 191.13,
high: 192.86,
low: 190.61,
close: 190.95,
time: "2019-05-21",
open: 187.13,
high: 192.52,
low: 186.34,
close: 191.45,
time: "2019-05-22",
open: 190.49,
high: 192.22,
low: 188.05,
close: 188.91,
time: "2019-05-23",
open: 188.45,
high: 192.54,
low: 186.27,
close: 192.0,
time: "2019-05-24",
open: 192.54,
high: 193.86,
low: 190.41,
close: 193.59,

// Create the Lightweight Chart within the container element
const chart = LightweightCharts.createChart(
layout: {
background: { color: "#222" },
textColor: "#C3BCDB",
grid: {
vertLines: { color: "#444" },
horzLines: { color: "#444" },

// Setting the border color for the vertical axis
borderColor: "#71649C",

// Setting the border color for the horizontal axis
borderColor: "#71649C",

// Adjust the starting bar width (essentially the horizontal zoom)
barSpacing: 10,

// Get the current users primary locale
const currentLocale = window.navigator.languages[0];
// Create a number format using Intl.NumberFormat
const myPriceFormatter = Intl.NumberFormat(currentLocale, {
style: "currency",
currency: "EUR", // Currency for data points

// Apply the custom priceFormatter to the chart
localization: {
priceFormatter: myPriceFormatter,

// Customizing the Crosshair
crosshair: {
// Change mode from default 'magnet' to 'normal'.
// Allows the crosshair to move freely without snapping to datapoints
mode: LightweightCharts.CrosshairMode.Normal,

// Vertical crosshair line (showing Date in Label)
vertLine: {
width: 8,
color: "#C3BCDB44",
style: LightweightCharts.LineStyle.Solid,
labelBackgroundColor: "#9B7DFF",

// Horizontal crosshair line (showing Price in Label)
horzLine: {
color: "#9B7DFF",
labelBackgroundColor: "#9B7DFF",

// Generate sample data to use within a candlestick series
const candleStickData = generateCandlestickData();

// Convert the candlestick data for use with a line series
const lineData = => ({
time: datapoint.time,
value: (datapoint.close + / 2,

// Add an area series to the chart,
// Adding this before we add the candlestick chart
// so that it will appear beneath the candlesticks
const areaSeries = chart.addSeries(LightweightCharts.AreaSeries, {
lastValueVisible: false, // hide the last value marker for this series
crosshairMarkerVisible: false, // hide the crosshair marker for this series
lineColor: "transparent", // hide the line
topColor: "rgba(56, 33, 110,0.6)",
bottomColor: "rgba(56, 33, 110, 0.1)",
// Set the data for the Area Series

// Create the Main Series (Candlesticks)
const mainSeries = chart.addSeries(LightweightCharts.CandlestickSeries);
// Set the data for the Main Series

// Changing the Candlestick colors
wickUpColor: "rgb(54, 116, 217)",
upColor: "rgb(54, 116, 217)",
wickDownColor: "rgb(225, 50, 85)",
downColor: "rgb(225, 50, 85)",
borderVisible: false,

// Adjust the options for the priceScale of the mainSeries
autoScale: false, // disables auto scaling based on visible content
scaleMargins: {
top: 0.1,
bottom: 0.2,

// Adding a window resize event handler to resize the chart when
// the window size changes.
// Note: for more advanced examples (when the chart doesn't fill the entire window)
// you may need to use ResizeObserver ->
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
chart.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);