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Price format


This page is part of an iterative guide (where we build onto code from the previous steps).

It is recommend that you follow the guide from the start. However, if you are only interested in the content on this page then take a look at the full code at the bottom of page for context of how this code fits into a working example.

In this section, we will be replacing the default price formatter function with our implementation. Currently, the prices on the chart are been shown with two decimal places and without a currency symbol. Let's implement a formatter which will format the number correctly based on their current locale and present it as the Euro currency.

Price Formatter functions

To provide a price formatter, we need to create a function which accepts a number as the input and returns a string as the output. A simple price formatter which takes a number and returns the number (as a string) formatted with two decimal points would look as follows:

const myPriceFormatter = p => p.toFixed(2);

We can make use of the built-in functionality provided by the browser to build a more versatile price formatter by using the Intl.NumberFormat API.

// Get the current users primary locale
const currentLocale = window.navigator.languages[0];
// Create a number format using Intl.NumberFormat
const myPriceFormatter = Intl.NumberFormat(currentLocale, {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'EUR', // Currency for data points

First, we are grabbing the primary locale for the current user which will pass into the Intl.NumberFormat constructor. The constructor takes a second argument for options where we can specify the style and currency properties. The instance created contains a format method which we can then pass into Lightweight Charts™ as shown below).

Setting the price formatter

We can set the default price formatter to be used throughout the chart by passing our own custom price formatter function into the priceformatter property of the localization property (LocalizationOptions) within the chart options.

// Apply the custom priceFormatter to the chart
localization: {
priceFormatter: myPriceFormatter,

Price values displayed on the vertical price scale will now be displayed as Euros.

Price formatters can also be applied to each series individually by adjusting the priceformat property of the series options.

Built-in price formatting

Lightweight Charts™ includes a few options to adjust the built-in price formatting which can be see here: PriceFormatBuiltIn.


At this point we should have a chart like this:

View in a new window

Next steps

In the next step, we will be making some adjustments to the functionality of the vertical price scale.


You can download the HTML file for example at this stage here in case you've encountered a problem or would like to start the next step from this point.

Complete code

Click here to reveal the complete code for the example at this stage of the guide.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Lightweight Charts™ Customization Tutorial</title>
<!-- Adding the standalone version of Lightweight charts -->
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
/* Add a background color to match the chart */
background-color: #222;

style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%"
<script type="text/javascript">
// Function to generate a sample set of Candlestick datapoints
function generateCandlestickData() {
return [
time: "2018-10-19",
open: 180.34,
high: 180.99,
low: 178.57,
close: 179.85,
time: "2018-10-22",
open: 180.82,
high: 181.4,
low: 177.56,
close: 178.75,
time: "2018-10-23",
open: 175.77,
high: 179.49,
low: 175.44,
close: 178.53,
time: "2018-10-24",
open: 178.58,
high: 182.37,
low: 176.31,
close: 176.97,
time: "2018-10-25",
open: 177.52,
high: 180.5,
low: 176.83,
close: 179.07,
time: "2018-10-26",
open: 176.88,
high: 177.34,
low: 170.91,
close: 172.23,
time: "2018-10-29",
open: 173.74,
high: 175.99,
low: 170.95,
close: 173.2,
time: "2018-10-30",
open: 173.16,
high: 176.43,
low: 172.64,
close: 176.24,
time: "2018-10-31",
open: 177.98,
high: 178.85,
low: 175.59,
close: 175.88,
time: "2018-11-01",
open: 176.84,
high: 180.86,
low: 175.9,
close: 180.46,
time: "2018-11-02",
open: 182.47,
high: 183.01,
low: 177.39,
close: 179.93,
time: "2018-11-05",
open: 181.02,
high: 182.41,
low: 179.3,
close: 182.19,
time: "2018-11-06",
open: 181.93,
high: 182.65,
low: 180.05,
close: 182.01,
time: "2018-11-07",
open: 183.79,
high: 187.68,
low: 182.06,
close: 187.23,
time: "2018-11-08",
open: 187.13,
high: 188.69,
low: 185.72,
close: 188.0,
time: "2018-11-09",
open: 188.32,
high: 188.48,
low: 184.96,
close: 185.99,
time: "2018-11-12",
open: 185.23,
high: 186.95,
low: 179.02,
close: 179.43,
time: "2018-11-13",
open: 177.3,
high: 181.62,
low: 172.85,
close: 179.0,
time: "2018-11-14",
open: 182.61,
high: 182.9,
low: 179.15,
close: 179.9,
time: "2018-11-15",
open: 179.01,
high: 179.67,
low: 173.61,
close: 177.36,
time: "2018-11-16",
open: 173.99,
high: 177.6,
low: 173.51,
close: 177.02,
time: "2018-11-19",
open: 176.71,
high: 178.88,
low: 172.3,
close: 173.59,
time: "2018-11-20",
open: 169.25,
high: 172.0,
low: 167.0,
close: 169.05,
time: "2018-11-21",
open: 170.0,
high: 170.93,
low: 169.15,
close: 169.3,
time: "2018-11-23",
open: 169.39,
high: 170.33,
low: 168.47,
close: 168.85,
time: "2018-11-26",
open: 170.2,
high: 172.39,
low: 168.87,
close: 169.82,
time: "2018-11-27",
open: 169.11,
high: 173.38,
low: 168.82,
close: 173.22,
time: "2018-11-28",
open: 172.91,
high: 177.65,
low: 170.62,
close: 177.43,
time: "2018-11-29",
open: 176.8,
high: 177.27,
low: 174.92,
close: 175.66,
time: "2018-11-30",
open: 175.75,
high: 180.37,
low: 175.11,
close: 180.32,
time: "2018-12-03",
open: 183.29,
high: 183.5,
low: 179.35,
close: 181.74,
time: "2018-12-04",
open: 181.06,
high: 182.23,
low: 174.55,
close: 175.3,
time: "2018-12-06",
open: 173.5,
high: 176.04,
low: 170.46,
close: 175.96,
time: "2018-12-07",
open: 175.35,
high: 178.36,
low: 172.24,
close: 172.79,
time: "2018-12-10",
open: 173.39,
high: 173.99,
low: 167.73,
close: 171.69,
time: "2018-12-11",
open: 174.3,
high: 175.6,
low: 171.24,
close: 172.21,
time: "2018-12-12",
open: 173.75,
high: 176.87,
low: 172.81,
close: 174.21,
time: "2018-12-13",
open: 174.31,
high: 174.91,
low: 172.07,
close: 173.87,
time: "2018-12-14",
open: 172.98,
high: 175.14,
low: 171.95,
close: 172.29,
time: "2018-12-17",
open: 171.51,
high: 171.99,
low: 166.93,
close: 167.97,
time: "2018-12-18",
open: 168.9,
high: 171.95,
low: 168.5,
close: 170.04,
time: "2018-12-19",
open: 170.92,
high: 174.95,
low: 166.77,
close: 167.56,
time: "2018-12-20",
open: 166.28,
high: 167.31,
low: 162.23,
close: 164.16,
time: "2018-12-21",
open: 162.81,
high: 167.96,
low: 160.17,
close: 160.48,
time: "2018-12-24",
open: 160.16,
high: 161.4,
low: 158.09,
close: 158.14,
time: "2018-12-26",
open: 159.46,
high: 168.28,
low: 159.44,
close: 168.28,
time: "2018-12-27",
open: 166.44,
high: 170.46,
low: 163.36,
close: 170.32,
time: "2018-12-28",
open: 171.22,
high: 173.12,
low: 168.6,
close: 170.22,
time: "2018-12-31",
open: 171.47,
high: 173.24,
low: 170.65,
close: 171.82,
time: "2019-01-02",
open: 169.71,
high: 173.18,
low: 169.05,
close: 172.41,
time: "2019-01-03",
open: 171.84,
high: 171.84,
low: 168.21,
close: 168.61,
time: "2019-01-04",
open: 170.18,
high: 174.74,
low: 169.52,
close: 173.62,
time: "2019-01-07",
open: 173.83,
high: 178.18,
low: 173.83,
close: 177.04,
time: "2019-01-08",
open: 178.57,
high: 179.59,
low: 175.61,
close: 177.89,
time: "2019-01-09",
open: 177.87,
high: 181.27,
low: 177.1,
close: 179.73,
time: "2019-01-10",
open: 178.03,
high: 179.24,
low: 176.34,
close: 179.06,
time: "2019-01-11",
open: 177.93,
high: 180.26,
low: 177.12,
close: 179.41,
time: "2019-01-14",
open: 177.59,
high: 179.23,
low: 176.9,
close: 178.81,
time: "2019-01-15",
open: 176.08,
high: 177.82,
low: 175.2,
close: 176.47,
time: "2019-01-16",
open: 177.09,
high: 177.93,
low: 175.86,
close: 177.04,
time: "2019-01-17",
open: 174.01,
high: 175.46,
low: 172.0,
close: 174.87,
time: "2019-01-18",
open: 176.98,
high: 180.04,
low: 176.18,
close: 179.58,
time: "2019-01-22",
open: 177.49,
high: 178.6,
low: 175.36,
close: 177.11,
time: "2019-01-23",
open: 176.59,
high: 178.06,
low: 174.53,
close: 176.89,
time: "2019-01-24",
open: 177.0,
high: 177.53,
low: 175.3,
close: 177.29,
time: "2019-01-25",
open: 179.78,
high: 180.87,
low: 178.61,
close: 180.4,
time: "2019-01-28",
open: 178.97,
high: 179.99,
low: 177.41,
close: 179.83,
time: "2019-01-29",
open: 178.96,
high: 180.15,
low: 178.09,
close: 179.69,
time: "2019-01-30",
open: 180.47,
high: 184.2,
low: 179.78,
close: 182.18,
time: "2019-01-31",
open: 181.5,
high: 184.67,
low: 181.06,
close: 183.53,
time: "2019-02-01",
open: 184.03,
high: 185.15,
low: 182.83,
close: 184.37,
time: "2019-02-04",
open: 184.3,
high: 186.43,
low: 183.84,
close: 186.43,
time: "2019-02-05",
open: 186.89,
high: 186.99,
low: 184.69,
close: 186.39,
time: "2019-02-06",
open: 186.69,
high: 186.69,
low: 184.06,
close: 184.72,
time: "2019-02-07",
open: 183.74,
high: 184.92,
low: 182.45,
close: 184.07,
time: "2019-02-08",
open: 183.05,
high: 184.58,
low: 182.72,
close: 184.54,
time: "2019-02-11",
open: 185.0,
high: 185.42,
low: 182.75,
close: 182.92,
time: "2019-02-12",
open: 183.84,
high: 186.4,
low: 183.52,
close: 185.52,
time: "2019-02-13",
open: 186.3,
high: 188.68,
low: 185.92,
close: 188.41,
time: "2019-02-14",
open: 187.5,
high: 188.93,
low: 186.0,
close: 187.71,
time: "2019-02-15",
open: 189.87,
high: 192.62,
low: 189.05,
close: 192.39,
time: "2019-02-19",
open: 191.71,
high: 193.19,
low: 191.28,
close: 192.33,
time: "2019-02-20",
open: 192.39,
high: 192.4,
low: 191.11,
close: 191.85,
time: "2019-02-21",
open: 191.85,
high: 192.37,
low: 190.61,
close: 191.82,
time: "2019-02-22",
open: 191.69,
high: 192.54,
low: 191.62,
close: 192.39,
time: "2019-02-25",
open: 192.75,
high: 193.42,
low: 189.96,
close: 189.98,
time: "2019-02-26",
open: 185.59,
high: 188.47,
low: 182.8,
close: 188.3,
time: "2019-02-27",
open: 187.9,
high: 188.5,
low: 183.21,
close: 183.67,
time: "2019-02-28",
open: 183.6,
high: 185.19,
low: 183.11,
close: 185.14,
time: "2019-03-01",
open: 185.82,
high: 186.56,
low: 182.86,
close: 185.17,
time: "2019-03-04",
open: 186.2,
high: 186.24,
low: 182.1,
close: 183.81,
time: "2019-03-05",
open: 184.24,
high: 185.12,
low: 183.25,
close: 184.0,
time: "2019-03-06",
open: 184.53,
high: 184.97,
low: 183.84,
close: 184.45,
time: "2019-03-07",
open: 184.39,
high: 184.62,
low: 181.58,
close: 182.51,
time: "2019-03-08",
open: 181.49,
high: 181.91,
low: 179.52,
close: 181.23,
time: "2019-03-11",
open: 182.0,
high: 183.2,
low: 181.2,
close: 182.44,
time: "2019-03-12",
open: 183.43,
high: 184.27,
low: 182.33,
close: 184.0,
time: "2019-03-13",
open: 183.24,
high: 183.78,
low: 181.08,
close: 181.14,
time: "2019-03-14",
open: 181.28,
high: 181.74,
low: 180.5,
close: 181.61,
time: "2019-03-15",
open: 182.3,
high: 182.49,
low: 179.57,
close: 182.23,
time: "2019-03-18",
open: 182.53,
high: 183.48,
low: 182.33,
close: 183.42,
time: "2019-03-19",
open: 184.19,
high: 185.82,
low: 183.48,
close: 184.13,
time: "2019-03-20",
open: 184.3,
high: 187.12,
low: 183.43,
close: 186.1,
time: "2019-03-21",
open: 185.5,
high: 190.0,
low: 185.5,
close: 189.97,
time: "2019-03-22",
open: 189.31,
high: 192.05,
low: 188.67,
close: 188.75,
time: "2019-03-25",
open: 188.75,
high: 191.71,
low: 188.51,
close: 189.68,
time: "2019-03-26",
open: 190.69,
high: 192.19,
low: 188.74,
close: 189.34,
time: "2019-03-27",
open: 189.65,
high: 191.61,
low: 188.39,
close: 189.25,
time: "2019-03-28",
open: 189.91,
high: 191.4,
low: 189.16,
close: 190.06,
time: "2019-03-29",
open: 190.85,
high: 192.04,
low: 190.14,
close: 191.89,
time: "2019-04-01",
open: 192.99,
high: 195.9,
low: 192.85,
close: 195.64,
time: "2019-04-02",
open: 195.5,
high: 195.5,
low: 194.01,
close: 194.31,
time: "2019-04-03",
open: 194.98,
high: 198.78,
low: 194.11,
close: 198.61,
time: "2019-04-04",
open: 199.0,
high: 200.49,
low: 198.02,
close: 200.45,
time: "2019-04-05",
open: 200.86,
high: 203.13,
low: 200.61,
close: 202.06,
time: "2019-04-08",
open: 201.37,
high: 203.79,
low: 201.24,
close: 203.55,
time: "2019-04-09",
open: 202.26,
high: 202.71,
low: 200.46,
close: 200.9,
time: "2019-04-10",
open: 201.26,
high: 201.6,
low: 198.02,
close: 199.43,
time: "2019-04-11",
open: 199.9,
high: 201.5,
low: 199.03,
close: 201.48,
time: "2019-04-12",
open: 202.13,
high: 204.26,
low: 202.13,
close: 203.85,
time: "2019-04-15",
open: 204.16,
high: 205.14,
low: 203.4,
close: 204.86,
time: "2019-04-16",
open: 205.25,
high: 205.99,
low: 204.29,
close: 204.47,
time: "2019-04-17",
open: 205.34,
high: 206.84,
low: 205.32,
close: 206.55,
time: "2019-04-18",
open: 206.02,
high: 207.78,
low: 205.1,
close: 205.66,
time: "2019-04-22",
open: 204.11,
high: 206.25,
low: 204.0,
close: 204.78,
time: "2019-04-23",
open: 205.14,
high: 207.33,
low: 203.43,
close: 206.05,
time: "2019-04-24",
open: 206.16,
high: 208.29,
low: 205.54,
close: 206.72,
time: "2019-04-25",
open: 206.01,
high: 207.72,
low: 205.06,
close: 206.5,
time: "2019-04-26",
open: 205.88,
high: 206.14,
low: 203.34,
close: 203.61,
time: "2019-04-29",
open: 203.31,
high: 203.8,
low: 200.34,
close: 202.16,
time: "2019-04-30",
open: 201.55,
high: 203.75,
low: 200.79,
close: 203.7,
time: "2019-05-01",
open: 203.2,
high: 203.52,
low: 198.66,
close: 198.8,
time: "2019-05-02",
open: 199.3,
high: 201.06,
low: 198.8,
close: 201.01,
time: "2019-05-03",
open: 202.0,
high: 202.31,
low: 200.32,
close: 200.56,
time: "2019-05-06",
open: 198.74,
high: 199.93,
low: 198.31,
close: 199.63,
time: "2019-05-07",
open: 196.75,
high: 197.65,
low: 192.96,
close: 194.77,
time: "2019-05-08",
open: 194.49,
high: 196.61,
low: 193.68,
close: 195.17,
time: "2019-05-09",
open: 193.31,
high: 195.08,
low: 191.59,
close: 194.58,
time: "2019-05-10",
open: 193.21,
high: 195.49,
low: 190.01,
close: 194.58,
time: "2019-05-13",
open: 191.0,
high: 191.66,
low: 189.14,
close: 190.34,
time: "2019-05-14",
open: 190.5,
high: 192.76,
low: 190.01,
close: 191.62,
time: "2019-05-15",
open: 190.81,
high: 192.81,
low: 190.27,
close: 191.76,
time: "2019-05-16",
open: 192.47,
high: 194.96,
low: 192.2,
close: 192.38,
time: "2019-05-17",
open: 190.86,
high: 194.5,
low: 190.75,
close: 192.58,
time: "2019-05-20",
open: 191.13,
high: 192.86,
low: 190.61,
close: 190.95,
time: "2019-05-21",
open: 187.13,
high: 192.52,
low: 186.34,
close: 191.45,
time: "2019-05-22",
open: 190.49,
high: 192.22,
low: 188.05,
close: 188.91,
time: "2019-05-23",
open: 188.45,
high: 192.54,
low: 186.27,
close: 192.0,
time: "2019-05-24",
open: 192.54,
high: 193.86,
low: 190.41,
close: 193.59,

// Create the Lightweight Chart within the container element
const chart = LightweightCharts.createChart(
layout: {
background: { color: "#222" },
textColor: "#C3BCDB",
grid: {
vertLines: { color: "#444" },
horzLines: { color: "#444" },

// Setting the border color for the vertical axis
borderColor: "#71649C",

// Setting the border color for the horizontal axis
borderColor: "#71649C",

// Get the current users primary locale
const currentLocale = window.navigator.languages[0];
// Create a number format using Intl.NumberFormat
const myPriceFormatter = Intl.NumberFormat(currentLocale, {
style: "currency",
currency: "EUR", // Currency for data points

// Apply the custom priceFormatter to the chart
localization: {
priceFormatter: myPriceFormatter,

// Generate sample data to use within a candlestick series
const candleStickData = generateCandlestickData();

// Create the Main Series (Candlesticks)
const mainSeries = chart.addSeries(LightweightCharts.CandlestickSeries);
// Set the data for the Main Series

// Changing the Candlestick colors
wickUpColor: "rgb(54, 116, 217)",
upColor: "rgb(54, 116, 217)",
wickDownColor: "rgb(225, 50, 85)",
downColor: "rgb(225, 50, 85)",
borderVisible: false,

// Adding a window resize event handler to resize the chart when
// the window size changes.
// Note: for more advanced examples (when the chart doesn't fill the entire window)
// you may need to use ResizeObserver ->
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
chart.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);